Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Some picture book updates

Well, I've finally compiled some pictures. Snippets of the past month. This is a park in the city of Balti. Must be Springtime!! Beautiful isn't it? Another view of my village of Recea. I love the view of the village lying next to the lake. So picturesque! And this is a picture of my neighbors and their cow. During the day everybody puts their cows out in the fields attached to chains staked in the ground. The cows just walk around in lazy circles grazing. One day when I was running through the fields a baby cow snapped his chain and tried to go running with me. He was just like a little puppy excitedly scampering after me. But I couldn't bring a cow home, and say "it followed me home. Can I keep it?" So, against it's protests, I had to drag it back to its chain and re-attach it. He moo-ed after me as I ran away. I went back and visited him a few days later, and he was so excited to see me. He kept moving his head to all the spots he wanted me to scratch, and was again very vocal when I continued on my run. Who knew baby cows were as fun as puppies? Posted by Picasa


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