Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Sushi Night!

I've come to realize that America doesn't really have a "traditional dish", but the beauty of food in America is its cultural diversity. Here in Moldova, there are definitely "traditional foods". And these are really the only foods served here. Not that I'm complaining, because I truly enjoy most of these foods. But every so often, us volunteers start to miss the variety of foods to be found in America. So every so often, we get together and make un-Moldovan foods. Recently, a group of us made sushi for Jessica's host family. They were so baffled by the seaweed-wrapped California rolls. We had to add some of the old faithful Moldovan condiments: Ketchup and mustard, so that they could dress up their foreign dishes with a little taste of home. It was a lot of fun, though, and not half bad! Up top is Jess, Adam, Ben, and Carrie (note the knife in Carrie's hand and the crazed expression on her face. I like to stay on her good side! haha! :). In the middle picture, an array of semi-Japanese dishes, and at the bottom, me enjoying the meal!  Posted by Picasa


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