Sunday, March 05, 2006

Medicine or Malady?

Today I spent much of my time in bed trying to shake off a cold that somehow caught me no matter how hard I tried to outrun it. Of course, colds are just a part of life, and something you've kind of got to wait out, but here in Moldova, everyone wants in on the "curing" process, if you will. I have heard some of the strangest remedies for my cold. I didn't think it fair for me to have all the fun to myself, so I've decided to share with you some of the most.......uh......creative, shall we say......of the suggested cures:
  • For a stuffy nose: Put chopped onion up each nostril to clear the nasal passages.
  • For a head cold: Boil home made vodka or gin in a saucepan, add lots of pepper, inhale the vapors, and drink a cupful (I've actually tried this one, and as I shared with Bonnie, I don't know if it did anything for my cold, but I slept like a baby!:)
  • For a sore throat: Put a spoonful of vodka on your throat where it hurts, and the vodka will ease the pain, and kill any bacteria that might be causing the soreness. Hmmmm.....interesting.
  • For a general cold: Eat lots of garlic, as it's supposed to strengthen your immune system (I told them it very well might be true, but I wouldn't have any friends because I would be emitting a very potent smell. For some reason, they thought this was funny?)
  • For sore throats or colds: Drink lots of tea with honey and lemon. (this one I don't mind in the least and have been doing a lot of).
  • Here's the scariest I've heard of so far: for chest congestion: Make a compress of, here it comes........ready?.......YOUR OWN URINE, and place on your chest to clear the congestion. I was informed that it doesn't smell very good, but if you're not planning on going anywhere where people will smell you, it's a great remedy. Yeah, I'm not touching that one with a ten foot pole!!!!!

Anyways, for now, I'm sticking to rest, and over the counter cold meds from the States. Thank goodness it's just a cold. If it was a fever, they'd probably be trying to give me home injections! I'm serious. I've heard of it happening with other volunteers. Another thing to be grateful for? Thank goodness I am conscious and can REFUSE these remedies! I can only imagine what they would do to me if I was too weak or unconscious to refuse. I guess every cloud has a silver lining. HA!!!

Well, hope this blog gets a smile out of you, and finds you all in good health. Love and miss you guys, and as always, love your emails and comments!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Anna,

Your blogs are cute. I'm having a good time reading them. What's your email address?

Grandma and all of us will be moving to a rental house nearby next month (mid - late April) while the house is being renovated. Putting a two story addition on the back and resizing the bedrooms etc.

You sound like life is very challenging but satisfying in an earthy way.

We love you.


1:45 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

Thanks Aunt Jane!
My email address is
Love you guys!:)

2:17 AM  

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